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Cardo 45 mm JBL Høyttalere


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New for 2019


45 mm speaker JBL


Achieving good audio quality inside a motorcycle helmet is demanding. The wind, the road, the engine and the type of helmet, all affect the frequencies you hear. With that in mind, these 45 mm speakers combine the sound only a large diameter driver can provide, with a narrow, 42 mm base that can fit almost every modern helmet.


With a standard 3.5mm jack, these speakers fit practically any communicator on the market, no matter what brand. Owners of Cardo FREECOM and PACKTALK series will enjoy extra boost with new JBL sound processor and firmware.


Not a FREECOM or PACKTALK owner? No worries: this powerful hardware will still drive your headset audio performance to new heights.


Do I need to upgrade the firmware of my device before installing?

Owners of Packtalk (including all Packtalk variants, Smartpack & SmatH) and Freecoms, will first need to update device firmware to the latest version before proceeding. Updating the firmware will ensure maximum audio performance. Owners of other communicators (from Cardo, or other brands) do not have a specially designed firmware and are not requested to perform any firmware update before connecting the speakers.


Which motorcycle communication system is compatible with the 45mm Audio set?

The 45mm Audio Set fit any communicator with a standard 3.5mm audio jack. Packtalk & Freecom owners will enjoy additional sound boost by installing and activating the specially-designed JBL firmware.


I have already purchased a Sound by JBL Cardo product. Do I need to purchase the 45mm Audio set?

While your 2019 Packtalk Bold, Packtalk Slim, and Freecom 4+ come already equipped with Sound by JBL speakers and firmware, the 45mm Audio Set will allow for an even further improvement to your audio experience. No firmware update is needed.


Does the "45mm AUDIO SET" fit inside my helmet?

The new speakers in the "45mm AUDIO SET" measurements: outer diameter - 45mm~ inner diameter - 42mm~ thickness - 10mm~ the speakers will fit perfectly instead of the original Cardo 40mm speakers.


What sound profiles are available with the 45mm Audio set?

Packtalk owners (including all Packtalk variants, Smartpack & SmartH) will enjoy three sound profiles specially designed by JBL sound engineers. These include Standard, Bass Boost, and Vocal. Sound profiles are accessible via the Cardo Connect App. Freecom owners will enjoy one audio profile (Standard). Other communicators do not have specially designed profiles.


Will the 45mm set fit inside my helmet?

The 45mm Audio Set is designed with a narrow 42mm base which means it would fit most modern helmets. If you are replacing a currently installed Cardo 40mm speakers, it is almost certain the new pair will fit inside. When in doubt, measure your Helmets ear cavities before ordering.

Cardo Systems

Cardo Systems

Cardos slagord er "kommunikasjon i bevegelse"™, Dette reflekterer hva selskapet gjør best. Folk i farten med den fineste kommunikasjon- og underholdningenheter tilgjengelig. Siden 2003 har de tilbudt et verktøy til å gjøre det på en sikker og brukervennlig måte.

Cardo Systems Inc. som har hovedkontor i Pittsburgh. (USA) er verdens største i Bluetooth® kommunikasjonssystemer for motorsykkel. Med innføringen i 2004 av scala rider® Bluetooth linje av hodetelefoner,var Cardo bokstavelig pioner i en ny produktkategori som var fraværende inntil da, og som har utviklet seg gradvis med mange "nyvinninger" i form av egenskaper og funksjoner . Scala rider® linjen er ikke bare de mest avanserte enhetene i kategorien, men har også det bredeste spekter av produkter.

Scala Rider produkter finnes i MC-butikker i over 60 land.

Cardo utvikler også Bluetooth-løsninger for en utvalgt gruppe av ledende produsenter innen MC-tilbehør, for eksempel TomTom, Shoei og Schuberth.

Cardo er ubestridt markedsleder i Norge og husk at alle Cardo sine produkter kan kobles opp mot hverandre. 

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