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Helite Turtle 2 Sort Airbagvest 141209

Helite Airbag vest

Den komplette airbagvest.

Ryggbeskyttelsen består av airbag systemet, men med et hardt skall utenpå. Som en skillpadde. Samme konsept som på en hjelm. Hardt skall utenpå og mykere inni. Denne konstruksjonen gir en betydelig bedre motstand mot punkterings krefter og sprer kreftene effektivt ut over hele Airbag overflaten. (finnes også som skoleversjon)

Her får du alt i et!

  • Dette er den oppdaterte versjonen.
  • CE-godkjent airbagsystem
  • CE-godkjent refleksvest (NB! Vi har og vesten i helsort)
  • CE-godkjent ryggskinne level 2 (EN1621/2) 
  • Bestill samme størrelse som du bruker i vanlige kjøreklær
  • Lagervare


Helite Airbag

Helite Airbag

The beginnings of Helite

Helite was born in 2002 in Dijon, from the desire of Gérard Thevenot, our founder. A French engineer specialising in fluid mechanics and a passionate fan of light aeronautics (ULM, hang gliding, paramotor), he wanted to create personal protective equipment for high-risk sports, to offer everyone airbags adapted to their needs and their practice: motorbike, horse riding and cycling.

The high accident rate in these sports led to a search for protective solutions for motorbike riders. The first patent was filed for personal protection airbags.

  • 2002Helite airbag technology is founded
  • 45Employees
  • 50Countries
  • 100%Made in France
  • 215KAirbag systems worldwide

Our expertise in the protection

As airbag technology applies to all risk activities, HELITE has become an expert in developing personal protection systems. From the idea to the design of an airbag, a long process and many skills are involved. In this sense, our technology is always validated by numerous prototypes and crash tests.

Our airbags are already used in various fields, such as motorcycling, horse riding, cycling, health, aeronautics, and industrial work, and are also very popular in top-level sports.

Airbag Protection

Our ambition: to offer the best protection!

Driven to do our best, we have been developing new, intelligent, and innovative solutions over the years to offer complete and optimal protection of vital areas for our customers in their sporting and everyday lives.

Helite offers airbags based on innovation and technology, all made in France!

Electronic Airbag System

Our priority is the quality of innovation for better protection.

Gérard Thévenot- Helite Founder

Our team at the service of protection

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