- Hjelmer
- Nøkkelfunksjoner
- KWIKWICK3® LINER - Behangelig, pustene og uttakbart innerfor.
- 3 gode ventilasjonsåpninger. En forran, en på toppen og en bak.
- Pinlock inkludert
- Klar for intercom
- CE-Godkjent som både hel og halvhjelm
- 2 Skallstørrelser
- Polycarbonate Fiber Shell
- Leveres med klart visir
- Intigrert solvisir
- Vekt 1500g +/- 50g
- Lagervare
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Scorpion EXO-TECH er en åpningshjelm som tilfredstiller alle behov. Markedets letteste åpningshjem.
Den har god passform, god synsvinkel og meget pratisk åpningsløsning hvor man drar fronten helt bak. Den er CE- Godkjent som både hel- og halvhjelm noe som betyr at du kan kjøre med fronten oppe eller nede.Scorpion EXO
Scorpion Sports Europe
ScorpionExo™ is, quite simply, the next wave in motorcycle helmet and protective gear design and manufacturing. ScorpionExo™ Helmets are engineered by some of the world's most sought-after helmet designers, with over 178 years of cumulative experience.
And their wild, innovative graphic designs are created in hotbeds of extremesports creativity all over the world, from Europe to Southern California, to stay two steps ahead in this fast-moving field.The Scorpion Sports factory—The Big Nest—is a state-of-the-art, 86000 sq. m. land, staffed by as many as 600 skilled technicians, each dedicated to crafting the world`'s best protective headgear. Almost every operation needed to create world-class helmets is located on this one amazing facility, including both fiberglass/Kevlar™ and polycarbonate shell molding, EPSliner manufacturing, liner sewing, water-decal production, clean-room paint booths, drying rooms, assembly, packaging and shipping. Many helmet brands simply private-label helmets purchased from generic mass manufacturers. And most other helmet brands sub-contract major portions of their manufacturing to smaller vendors. Scorpion does not-because we want to control every operation, every detail, to insure optimum quality, confidence-inspiring integrity and utmost efficiency. This attention to detail is showcased by the fact that every ScorpionExo™ motorcycle helmet is certified by ECE 22-05 (tested by TÜV Rheinland) approval or by SNELL foundation for USA.
In just a few years ScorpionEx o entered in the Top 5 leading brands in American market, now it is time for the European motorcyclists to discover our exceptional quality and innovations.For that we have set up our European Headquarters in STRASBOURG-France in the heart of Europe.
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